According to the Simplified Turnover Method, the working capital requirement is calculated as 25% of the projected annual turnover of the business. A margin of 5% is provided by the borrower, while the remaining 20% is financed by the bank
Which of the following is definitely true?
If ‘G × H’ means ‘G’ is father of ‘H’, ‘G + H’ means ‘G is wife of H’ and ‘G &di...
T is _____ of ______.
H is the son-in-law of G and is the brother-in-law of M who is the brother of K. K is the daughter of G. How is M related to G?
Which of the following can be the correct conclusion drawn from the expression?
‘R + S % T $ U @ V’?
How is K related to M?
If B is a male, then which among the following option(s) is/are definitely true?
How is O related to N’s brother?
‘ A + B ’ means ‘A is the sister of B’
‘ A = B ’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’
‘ A # B ’ means ‘A is the son o...
How is B related to A?