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The National Board for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (NBMSME) , established under the MSME Development Act, 2006 , plays a crucial role in formulating policies, evaluating government schemes, and making recommendations to improve the growth and development of MSMEs. It is not directly responsible for registration processes (which is handled by Udyam) or for managing operations at the Ministry level, but rather serves as an advisory and monitoring body. The Board, under the general guidance of the Central Government, will carry out the following functions: · assess factors affecting the growth of micro, small, and medium enterprises, reviewing Government policies and programs to enhance their competitiveness and growth, and analyzing their impact. · make recommendations on the above issues and any other matter referred by the Central Government aimed at enhancing the competitiveness and growth of these enterprises. · advise the Central Government on the utilization of the Fund or Funds established under section 12 of the Act
उपर्युक्त गद्यांश के अनुसार इस का उपयुक्त शीर्षक होगा?
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(1) भारत में पुरुषों और स्त्रियों की
( य) वृद्धि हु...
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