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The Net Operating Cycle (NOC) measures the time between outlaying cash for raw material and receiving cash from product sales. It includes the Inventory Holding Period , Debtor Collection Period , and subtracts the Payables Payment Period . This helps in understanding how efficiently a company is managing its working capital.
Which of the following is used to calculate the yield in maize crop?
The Gurgaon project in Punjab was initiated by
Wetlands are vital ecosystems which sustain biological diversity. The government will promote their unique conservation values through……………â€...
Instrument used to record continuous rainfall
Identify "Recalcitrant seeds"
A. Mungbean
B. Rubber
C. Tea
D. Wheat
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Choose the correct option
Statement I. Drought do not occur in Assam, south Kerala and Eastern parts of West Benagl
Statement II. Aridity ...
Hydrographic Survey deals with the mapping of:
What is the recommended storage temperature to extend the life of cut spikes of gladiolus for two weeks?
Which of the following disease is associated with poultry  Â
Kufri Pukhraj, Kufri Sheetman and Kufri Alankar are varieties of