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The Stand-Up India Scheme aims to promote entrepreneurship among Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and women by providing bank loans ranging from ₹10 lakh to ₹1 crore for setting up a Greenfield enterprise.
In the question below some statements are given followed by four conclusions I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even i...
All present are past
Some past are future
Only a few future is tense
I. Some t...
Statement : Some towers are pillars.
Some pillars are buildings.
All buildings a...
No Teacher is Doctor.
Only a few Doctor is Student.
No Student is Police
I) No St...
Statements: All trains are buses.
All buses are cars.
All cars are bikes.
Statements :All blues are whites.
Some whites are reds.
All yellows are reds.
Conclusions :I. Some reds are whites.
II. Some yellows are whites.
I. Some Apples are being Bananas is a possibility
II. At least Some Papayas are being Bananas i...
Some Poll are Telegram
Only a few Telegram is Letter
Only Letter is Office
I. All...
Statements : All blues are whites.
Some whites are reds.
All yellows are reds.
Conclusions : I. Some reds not being whites is a p...
Only Grapes is Mangoes
Some Banana are Grapes
All Banana are Oranges