What is the maximum amount of compensation that can be awarded by the Banking Ombudsman?
The Banking Ombudsman can award upto maximum amount of Rs 20 lakhs whereas Rs 1 lakh can be awarded maximum towards the mental agony and harassment. There is no fee involved in filing a complaint with the banking ombudsman in India.
121, 240, 386, 555, 751, 976
38, 54, 73, 95, 135, 196
124, 186, 375, 930, 2790, 9765
5000, 4500, 3600, 2480, 1512, 756
134, 159, 186, 215, 266, 279
10 3 7 6 40 310
...48, 112, 144, 192, 310, 732
5, 6, 8, 16, 38, 158
16 18 25 52 116 241 457
20.5, 30, 40.5, 53, 64.5, 78