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Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas-Inclusive Development - Agriculture and Cooperatives Building Digital Public Infrastructure - Building an accessible, inclusive and informative solution for Farmers ANB* Horticulture Clean Plant Program to be launched - To boost production of high value horticultural crops Making India Global Hub For Millets: 'Sree Anna' Support to be given to IIMR^, Hyderabad for promoting research
Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number is related to first number and the sixth number is related to...
If ‘x’ stands for ‘addition’, ‘ ÷' stands for ‘subtraction’, ‘+’ stands for ‘multiplication’, and ‘–’ stands for ‘divisi...
Which word will best complete the relationship given below?
Bricklayer : Trowel :: Tailor : ?
Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number is related to first number and the sixth number is related t...
Select the option in which the numbers are related in the same way as the numbers of the following set:
(5, 500, 10)
Select the option that is related to third letter cluster in the same way second letter cluster is related to first letter cluster.
Select the option that is related to third cluster in the same way first cluster is related to second cluster.
PRAYER: 77 :: MALLOW : ?
In the given question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.
CHNS : EJMH : : TOPW : VQKD : : URGQ : ?
Select the option in which the numbers share the same relationship in set as that shared by the numbers in the given set. (Note: Operations should be p...
In each of the following questions, select the related word from the given alternatives: