Return on Capital Employed is an Overall Profitability ratio Efficiency Ratios: The efficiency ratio is used to analyse how well a company uses its assets and liabilities internally. An efficiency ratio can calculate the turnover of receivables, the repayment of liabilities, the quantity and usage of equity, and the general use of inventory and machinery. Therefore, Working Capital Turnover Ratio is an efficiency ratio. Gearing Ratio, which is a company’s debt divided by its shareholders’ equity, is a Capital Structure Ratio Acid Ratio is a Liquidity Ratio.
In Ca and S deficient soils, gypsum placement should be done at
In tobacco crop, the site for synthesis of nicotine is
A company is practicing _______ if it focuses on sub segments with distinctive traits that may seek a special combination of benefits.
Which of the following agroecological zone contain red and lateritic soils
Edible part of Sprouting broccoli isÂ
Reel speed of bivoltine cocoons on CSTRI multi end reeling machine is
First stage of Claviceps life cycle?
Stem nodulation occurs in green manure crop of:
During the embryogenesis, the cell elongation and cellular differentiation occurs inÂ
Mechanical manipulation of soil with the help of tools and implements is called as ___