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Return on Capital Employed is an Overall Profitability ratio Efficiency Ratios: The efficiency ratio is used to analyse how well a company uses its assets and liabilities internally. An efficiency ratio can calculate the turnover of receivables, the repayment of liabilities, the quantity and usage of equity, and the general use of inventory and machinery. Therefore, Working Capital Turnover Ratio is an efficiency ratio. Gearing Ratio, which is a company’s debt divided by its shareholders’ equity, is a Capital Structure Ratio Acid Ratio is a Liquidity Ratio.
Recently Uma Dasgupta passed away at the age of 84, who was she by profession?Â
The 92 year old Ardhendu Bhushan Bardhan passed away on 2 January 2016, he was famous?
In which Indian state, has the bamboo drip irrigation system been used for a long time?
When was the National Development Council of India setup?
Which of the following is the smallest state in India by area?
Issuance of common shares for cash is an example of a financing activity of a firm
The Dalli Rajhara mines are famous for which mineral?Â
Who is the regulator of ECGC?
'INS Vikramaditya' is a/an-
Which of the following is correct?