Contingent liabilities are potential obligations that may arise from past events and whose existence depends on uncertain future events. These liabilities are disclosed in the notes to financial statements if they meet certain criteria, but they are not recognized in the financial statements. Under the accounting principles, recognition of a liability in the financial statements requires that the liability meets the definition of a liability, the amount of the liability can be reliably measured, and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation. Contingent liabilities are not recognized in the financial statements because they do not meet the criteria for recognition.
T and V system, 1974 started by Daniel Benor is also known as
Who did work on the recurrence of wheat rusts in India?
Which of the following trees grows well in low lying areas even in flood condition?
Black soil is use for the cultivation of
Embryo of seeds, secrete_________ enzyme to induce the germination process
Which of the following are the attacking symptoms of rice weevil?
Bispyribac sodium is commonly used in
Cultivated wheat in India belongs to:
What was the name of "the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP)" prior to 1980?
Topping is a practice done in: