A values statement sets out the general principles of required behavior and outlines the organization's ethical and cultural standards. It guides the organization's decisions and actions, and helps to create a positive and productive work environment.
Which amongst the following nations is not a member of G- 20?
Which of the following Indo-Tibet main trade routes are passes through Chumbi valley?
Mount Paona is a significant peak in which Indian state?
The element used in the manufacture of safety matches is —
The Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) facility is available at :
Examine the following statements about Lakshadweep:
(I) Lakshadweep consists of 12 atolls, 3 reefs, and 5 submerged banks.
(II) All 17 isl...
Who will be going to host the 2020 Olympic Games in which IOC will introduce new events?
Shares of large, medium and small caps are traded at BSE Indonext
Recently a Kashmiri film (entirely shot and produced in the valley) was released after 45 years. Name the film:
Suggi is a traditional folk dance performed in which Indian state?