
    In the financial markets, the process of dematerializing

    government securities involves converting physical certificates into electronic form. This process facilitates easier and more efficient trading and handling of these securities. Government securities, issued by the Central Government or State Governments, are recognized as debt obligations and can be short-term (treasury bills) or long-term (government bonds or dated securities). In India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) plays a crucial role in the issuance and management of these securities on behalf of the government. Therefore, certain regulatory approvals are required for institutions like the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) to dematerialize these securities. NSDL has to take prior approval of which organization to dematerialize government securities.
    A RBI Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B SEBI Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C SEBI and RBI both Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Issuing government authority Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    A Government Security (G-Sec) is a tradable instrument issued by the Central Government or the State Governments, acknowledging the government’s debt obligation. These securities can be short-term, like treasury bills, or long-term, like government bonds. In India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issues government securities on behalf of the government. Consequently, NSDL must obtain prior approval from the RBI before dematerializing these securities. This ensures that the dematerialization process aligns with regulatory standards and maintains the integrity of the financial system.

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