In the evolving landscape of financial markets, the structure and governance of stock exchanges have undergone significant changes to improve transparency, efficiency, and accountability. One of the key transformations involves changing the legal structure of stock exchanges to separate ownership and management from the trading rights of their members. This process ensures that the exchange operates as a business corporation, thereby reducing potential conflicts of interest and aligning its operations with global best practices. This structural change was mandated by the government through legislative amendments to enhance the integrity and functioning of stock exchanges.
Which of the following refers to the segregation of ownership and management from the trading rights of the members of a stock exchange?
Demutualization is the process of transforming the legal structure of a stock exchange from a mutual organization, where the same entity owns and manages the exchange, to a business corporation. This change segregates the ownership, management, and trading rights at the exchange, thereby ensuring that these roles are independent of one another. This transformation was mandated by the government through an ordinance passed in 2004, which amended the Securities and Contract (Regulations) Act to make the demutualization of stock exchanges compulsory. The objective is to enhance transparency, reduce conflicts of interest, and improve the overall governance of stock exchanges.
As per Section 27 of Companies Act 2013, any ariation in prospectus is to be approved by _______
NCLAT is constituted under which section of the Companies Act?
No allotment of any securities of a company offered to the public for subscription shall be made unless the amount stated in the _______ as th...
A company has to transfer the unclaimed dividend to which account?
Differences between verbal and nonverbal communication include?
i. Verbal communication is multichanneled; nonverbal communication is single-cha...
The appointment of Directors is to be approved by company in ____
Appointment of Auditors in case of government companies by CAG is given under which section of Companies Act, 2013?
The President of NCLT and Chairperson of NCLAT is to be appointed in consultation with _______
In case where such dividend remained unpaid or unclaimed within _______ from the date of declaration, the amount is transferred to ‘Unpaid Dividend Ac...