Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) other than Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) with net worth of ₹100 crore and above are permitted to undertake credit card business either independently or in tie-up arrangement with other card issuing banks/NBFCs with the approval of their Boards. SCBs (excluding Small Finance Banks and Regional Rural Banks) desirous of setting up separate subsidiaries for undertaking credit card business shall require prior approval of the Reserve Bank.
The science that deals with the aspects of meteorology having direct relevance to agriculture is called
Science of manipulating crop environment complex with dual aims of improving agricultural productivity and gaining a degree of understanding of the pro...
To promote safe and healthy food, FSSAI has launched a training toolkit for health under the scheme:
What is the primary purpose of seed storage?
The pest which attack both in field and storage of pulses is–
Which one is the infective stage of Rotylenchulus reniformis?
A. Preadult female
B. 2 stage juvenile
C. 3 stage juvenile
D. ...
Semi-conservative DNA replication was demonstrated by
Which of the following offers a sort of price guarantee on the part of farmers to cultivate the crop?
Lady bug is a predator of:
Tensiometer was first Used for scheduling irrigation by