Appointment of Directors (Section 152) • Subscribers to the MoA deemed to be the first directors of company till directors are duly appointed • Director to be appointed in the general meeting • To be appointed as director, to have and disclose DIN is compulsory • A person appointed as director, to give his consent for such appointment and file it with Registrar within 30 days of appointment
In a certain code language, ‘HABILITATION’ is written as 'IBAHATILNOIT', and 'OBJECTIFYING' is written as ‘ITASCAFSYROT’. How will 'PACIFICATION...
What is the code for “Others” in the given code language?
What may be the code for “years five”?
In a certain code language SHIRT is written as TJLVY. What will be the code for YEARS in the same code language ?
What is the code for “Centre”?
What is the code of 'president'?
In a certain code language ‘TRAIN’ is written as ‘SUAOJ’ and ‘SPAIN’ is written as ‘QTAOJ’. How is ‘GRAIN’ written in that code?
What may be the code for “proposed investment has”?
In a certain code language ‘STAND’ is written as ‘RSBMC’ and ‘VITAL’ is written as ‘UJSBK’. How is ‘PLAIN’ written in that code? ...
If ‘DOG’ = 78, then ‘BARK’ = (?)