Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor Shaktikanta Das inaugurated the Reserve Bank Innovation Hub (RBIH) in Bengaluru which is intended to encourage and nurture financial innovation in a sustainable manner through an institutional set-up. The RBI has set up RBIH as a wholly owned subsidiary with an initial capital contribution of ₹100 crore. The RBI has set up the RBIH as a Section 8 company under Companies Act, 2013. The Hub has an independent Board with S. Gopalakrishnan as Chairman and other persons from industry and academia as members
Which of the following statements about Sushma Swaraj is/are correct?
(1) In 1977, Sushma Swaraj became the youngest cabinet minister, at the a...
The Appropriation bill, 2022 was passed in Lok Sabha on ________.
A new ensign was created on the 91st anniversary of which organization?
With which of the following Financial Institution, Gruh Finance was merged?
According to the RBI report, what is the projected contribution of the digital economy to India's GDP by 2026?
Name the Indian lady who headed Pepsico from 2006 to 2018.
Which countries were involved in the falklands war 1982?
Competition Commission of India fined MakeMyTrip and Oyo for anti-competitive conduct in_____.
Which of the following options is INCORRECTLY paired?
In which of the following years was the Indian National Food Security Act passed?