New India Assurance has become the second insurance company to enter into the surety bonds business after United India Insurance. The central government is pushing for surety bonds as an alternative to bank guarantees for government procurement.
What is the percentage of zinc in Zn-EDTA?
Site for protein synthesis is _______
When plant cells are placed in hypertonic solution, they become____
Which of the following causes Black scurf of potato ?
Hybrid necrosis in wheat is governed by:
In India, field experiments on water management falls in____________ approach
Calvin – Benson cycle uses ______ molecules of NADPH, _____ molecules of ATP to assimilate ______ molecule of CO₂
An economy where allocation of resources is determined by the operation of price mechanism is termed as:
Which soils favour maximum ammonia volatilization losses of fertilizer - N?
Which one of the following crops are grown to increase soil fertility?