IRDAI launched the Integrated Grievance Management System (IGMS) in the year 2010. · IGMS is a grievance redressal monitoring tool for IRDAI. · It also facilitates a central repository of industry-wide insurance grievance data; · Policyholders who have grievances register their complaints with the Grievance Redress Channel of the Insurance Company first.
A soap bubble shows colours when illuminated with white light. This is due to –
The electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave are _____________
In which medium can sound not travel?
Electromagnetic waves travelling in a medium having relative permeability μr = 1.2 and relative permittivity Er = 0.012. The speed of electromagnetic w...
Which of the following principle is used to produce low-temperatures'?
In a plane electromagnetic wave. the electric field oscillates sinusoid ally at a frequency of 3 × 108 Hz and amplitude 36 V/m. Find the am...
Ultrasonic waves, propagating through a medium, can be detected by:
Which of the following particles in motion, having the same kinetic energy, has the shortest wavelength?
The pitch of a sound is determined by its: