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Competence motivation is a theory that centers on the idea that people are driven to engage in activities to develop or demonstrate their skills. If someone successfully performs a challenging task and receives praise from family or peers for it, then they will experience a belief in their competence in that achievement domain. This theory was given by Susan Harter which suggests that people (in her case, she was specifically referencing children) will move toward activities they feel a greater competency in and shun subjects that are more challenging. She developed an instrument, called the 'Perceived Competence Scale for Children ,' which distinguished areas of competence. The scale has four domains: · physical, · cognitive · social · Self-worth
Everyone was moved with tears at his sad story.
Every night he peered into the darkness outside through the window next to his bed, trying to make sure that their were no movement of dark shapes in...
Directions : In the question given below, a sentence is given with three words in bold. Three answer choices are given giving replacements to the words ...
Since then, these companies have become big business, with no government having the courage to tip their wings .
Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the bold segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No substi...
In the following question, a sentence is given with a phrase highlighted in bold. Select the option given below that can replace the phrase in bold to ...
What is the indication out of the sentence: ‘My flat-mate is driving me up the wall at the moment.’?
Scientists are identify a gene that improves the heat tolerance of the algae that live symbiotically with coral species.
Despite of his diligent efforts, the esoteric nature of the subject matter made it nearly impossible for him to grasp even the most rudimentary conce...