The Phillips curve  is an economic concept developed by A. W. Phillips  stating that inflation and unemployment have a stable and inverse relationship . The short-run Phillips curve is roughly L-shaped to reflect the initial inverse relationship between the two variables. The theory claims that with economic growth comes inflation, which in turn should lead to more jobs and less unemployment. The long-run Phillips curve is a vertical line that illustrates that there is no permanent trade-off between inflation and unemployment in the long run. The long-run Phillips curve is vertical at the natural rate of unemployment.
Which of the following is the skill development schemes accessible to the target groups - Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes and Safai Karamcharis? (st...
Part ______ of the Constitution of India deals with amendment of the Constitution.
The 15th finance Commission suggested that the centre bring down fiscal deficit to 4% of GDP by ___________.
The national digital data repository of India is known as?
Which animal will be conserved at the Mukundpur Sanctuary in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh?
What percentage of the Rs 2,000 banknotes, in circulation as of May 19, 2023, has been returned to the banking system?
What is the specialty of making carbon covalent bond with carbon atoms through carbon?
Which of the following dance forms is popular in Himachal Pradesh?
In November 2023, scientists have discovered a new species of 'music frog' in ______. The speciality of this new species of frog, “Nidirana noadihingâ...
The CGWB under the Ministry of Jal Shakti conducts regular monitoring and assessment of groundwater quality including ground water contamination of Ars...