
    What does Global In-House Centre as per the

    International Financial Services Centres Authority (Global In-House Centres) Regulations, 2020 means?
    A Unit set up for providing financial services Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Unit set up in the IFSC for providing support services, directly or indirectly, to entities within its financial services group Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Unit set up in the IFSC for providing support services, directly or indirectly, to entities outside its financial services group Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Both a & b Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E Either b or c Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Unit set up in the IFSC for providing support services, directly or indirectly, to entities within its financial services group, Explanation: Rule 2 Definitions: (e) “Global In-House Centre” means a unit set up in the International Financial Services Centre for providing support services, directly or indirectly, to entities within its financial services group, including but not limited to banks and non-banking financial companies, financial intermediaries, investment banks, insurance companies, re-insurance companies, actuaries, brokerage firms, funds, stock exchanges, clearing houses, depositories, and custodians, for carrying out a financial service in respect of a financial product.

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