A credit score is a number statistically generated which indicates credit worthiness of an individual.
In the current global atmosphere of “success at any cost”, cheating is indelibly _______________to achieving goals through an easy and quick route.<...
Late20th century thinking says we are born with an empty mind and our parents, teachers and environment dictate our attitudes and choices. New research ...
She wanted to _______ and finish early, but it didn’t turn out as expected.
My first year of high school _________ awkward. After ______ junior high at the head of my class with all the seniority the upper grade levels ________...
Anjali, please don’t tell me fairy tales; I just want to know the real matter ________.
Fill blank number 30 with correct option:
His team has employed some tactics to ____________him as a figure of power.
The ceremony was meant to _____ the achievements of the volunteers who dedicated their time to the community.
The scientists believe that their breakthrough could ______ the future of renewable energy.
1) respondents
2) people
3) citizen
4) children
5) person