After extensive consultations and considering public comments, SEBI decides to reduce the listing time for specified securities post the public issue closure to 3 working days (T+3 days). This is a reduction from the current requirement of 6 working days (T+6 days), with 'T' being the issue closing date.
How many persons love only pasta?
Which of the following represents the same relation as Guitar, Flute and Music Instruments have?
Select the missing number from the given responses.
Which of the following diagrams best depicts the relationship between Apple, Turmeric, and Vegetable.
The following Venn diagram shows the number of students who like to eat three different fruits (Dates, Mango, Cherry)
In the given figure, how many mobiles are there which do not have camera?
Select the Venn diagram that best represents the relationship between the following classes.
Star, Sun, Mercury
In the given figure, how many pencils are black?