As per IndAS 109, Derivatives instruments are always classified as?
All derivatives are measured at fair value with changes in fair value being recognized in profit and loss for the period, except derivatives that qualify as hedging instruments.
The 12th Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group (ITWG) on Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) was held at
Which of the following does not comply with NSOP standards?
Piglet Anaemia is a hypochromic-microcytic anaemia generally associated with young, rapidly growing piglets. Piglet Anaemia is caused by?
The actual quantity of a commodity that is available with the farmer after meeting his basic requirements is _________.
Universal antidote is the mixture of activated charcoal : Tiannic acid : MgO in the ratio of
Which crop has the highest irrigated area in India after rice and wheat?
The Normal lapse rate is ________’ C per Km.
Antioxidant intake reduces risk of
The dissolution of old cuticle and formation of new one is known as:
Based on mode of organization and functioning groups are classified as: