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Thermoduric organisms have a high resisting effect at high temperatures. Thermophilic : Bacteria those thrive at 50-110 C growing conditions and this needs for their optimum growth. Thermoduric. Those bacteria which withstand higher temperatures that actually not suitable for their optimal growth.
Choose the combination that completes the sentence.
Match Column I and Column II and choose the correct match from the given choice
Two columns are given in each question and each column has three parts of a sentence. Choose the most suitable pair, which makes a grammatically correct...
In the following question, match the sentences beginning in Column 1 with their appropriate endings in Column 2. Choose the option which shows the corre...
In the following questions a sentence is given with three blanks, which is followed by a table, in which three columns are given (Column I, Column II a...
Directions: Match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B, and choose the correct combination from the options given below: