The reactive group of long chain sugar polymers can form a cross link which forms a basis for edible packaging in the food industry.
Each question is divided into four parts a,b,c,d. In some questions they are not in the sequence so according to grammar and context re- re-arrangement...
1. The Greeks believe that Prometheus is the Potter God.
P. One day, he decided to sculpt a statue of Truth.
Q. He makes man from clay.
Which of the following is the fourth sentence of the passage?
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options pick the one that gives their correct order.
A. “We are going to the...
P: To make payments towards meeting
Q: So far not covered under the LRS
R: The use of an international credit card
Sentences of a paragraph are given below. While the first and the last sentences (S1 and S6) are in the correct order, the sentences in between are jumb...
Which sentence should come fifth in the paragraph?
Parts of the following sentence are given as options. Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error.
This question paper comprises from ...
Rearrange the parts in correct order to make a meaningful sentence.
A. to the nearby jungle
B. I saw a young shepherd
C. in ...
Given below are six sentences. A and F are the first and the last sentences. The rest of the sentences namely B, C, D and E are jumbled. Select the opt...