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Crops which are grown during the winter season (October- March) are called Rabi crops. Seeds of these crops are sown in the beginning of the Winter season. After maturation of crops, they are harvested at the end of the winter season (April- May). The crops that are sown in the rainy season are called kharif crops. (also known as the summer or monsoon crop) in India. Kharif crops are usually sown with the beginning of the first rains in July, during the south-west monsoon season.Ex – Cotton, Chilly, Maize. There is a short season between Kharif and Rabi season in the months of March to July. In general, Zaid crops are crops that grow in this season. Also, these grow on irrigated lands. So we do not have to wait for monsoons to grow them. Some examples of Zaid crops are pumpkin, cucumber, bitter groud.
The soils having EC< 4 dsm-1, ESP> 15 and pH more than> 8.5 the soils is_?
Sunflower oil is recommended for heart patients since it contains high percentage of which unsaturated fatty acids?
IADP was launched to have higher production of crops in the area of:
Which of the following statement is incorrect?
The variety of sugarcane which has the ability of ratooning is
NABARD, which stands for National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, is an apex development bank in India. NABARD celebrated its foundation day on
Best nitrogenous fertilizer for rice crop is:
In which of the following processes molybdenum has an important role?
The relationship between two organisms, where both of them benefit from each other is called:
The 'equivalent basicity' of the fertilizer Sodium nitrate is: