PMFME scheme adopts One District One Product (ODOP) approach to reap the benefits of scale in terms of procurement of inputs, availing common services and marketing of products
According to Section 5of the IRDA Act, what is the tenure of office for the Chairperson and other whole-time members?
Under the Legal Service Authorities Act for the transfer of the shares of each Indian insurance company to, and vesting in, the Central Government, ther...
Demutualization means segregation of
Who among the following is author of the book ‘Law of Tort’?
Which section of contract act defines proposal?
Which of the following words were added to the Preamble by 42nd Amendment Act, 1976?
An accused person may be a competent witness in his own defence under the code of Criminal Procedure 1973:
Members of the legislative council give oath to?
Regarding the awards of the Permanent Lok Adalat under the Legal Services Authorities Act, which of the following statements is correct?
A promissory note payable by instalments must be presented for payment on the ………… after the date fixed for payment of each instalment