The government of India announces Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for 22 major agricultural commodities of Fair Average Quality (FAQ) each year in both the Crop seasons after taking into account the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP).
A certain sum becomes Rs 13650 at 15% p.a. simple interest after 2 years. What will be the amount (in RS) of the same sum after 1 year at the same rate ...
A retailer buys three types of Rice bags at ₹60, ₹40 and ₹20 per kg respectively. He mixes them in the ratio of 1:2:3 by weight and sold them at a...
A person spent 34% of his monthly income on food and 33% of the remaining on rent. If amount spent on rent is Rs 1089, then find the amount spent on food.
'U' spends 25% of his monthly income on food, 30% on rent, and 15% of the remaining amount on insurance. He saves the rest in a savings plan that gives ...
The respective ratio of monthly income of A to monthly income of B is 9:10, and A’s saving is (100/11)% more than B’s saving. Find the expenditure o...
In an office with 400 employees (comprising both men and women), preferences for either 'Tea' or 'Coffee' exist. The number of men who like 'Tea' to tho...
A and B together have total of Rs.4500 out of which they donated 20% to the orphanage school. The remaining amount is to be then redistributed between t...
If the price of sugar increases by 40%, by what percentage should a family reduce its sugar consumption so that the family's expenses do not increase?...
A candidate who gets 26% marks fails by 10 marks but another candidate who gets 46% marks gets 15% more than the passing marks. Find the maximum marks.
The combined salaries of 'Arvind' and 'Bhanu' amount to Rs. 20,000. 'Arvind' utilized 80% of his salary, while 'Bhanu' spent 60% of his salary, resultin...