The ‘One Nation, One Fertiliser’ scheme or the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Urvarak Pariyojana was launched during the event. Under this scheme, the all type of fertilisers, whether it is DAP, NPK or urea will be sold under the brand name of ‘Bharat’.
The Fundamental Duties were added to the Constitution of India in the year:
__________ is the supreme legislative body of India.
Which of the following awards is the highest civilian honour for women in India?
Sarus Crane, recently seen in the news, is the official bird of which state?
Which of the following Committees recommended to incorporate Fundamental Duties in the Constitution of India?
Bombay Stock Exchange is the ______ stock exchange of Asia.
Consider the following statements regarding ordinances.
1. Article 123 of the Constitution of India grants the President certain law – making p...
Who among the following won the Hockey India Dhruv Batra Award for Player of the Year (Men) at the Third Annual Hockey India Awards in March 2020?
The renamed Untouchability (Offences) Act, 1955 is now known by which of the following names?
Which of the following statements is/are correct about friction?
A. Friction can be entirely eliminated on any surface.
B. Rolling reduces...