The central government has launched the “Mera Ration Mobile App” in the country on March 12, 2021. This app was launched in order to facilitate the ‘One Nation-One Ration Card’ system.
75% of A is equal to 40% of C and 80% of B is equal to 100% of A. If sum of 50% of B and 30% of C is equal to 95, then find 80% of A.
A student multiplied a number by 8/5 instead of 5/8. What is the percentage error in the calculation?
In an election contested between two candidates, 75% of the total voters in the city participated in voting, out of which 20% of ...
In a company with a total of 2250 employees, 32% are permanent employees, while the rest are contractual employees. If 40% of the...
In a school, 30% of the students are not participating in any competition. 80% of the students who are participating in the competition are girls. If 42...
A towel was 75 cm broad and 120cm long. When bleached, it was to have lost 40% of its length and 20% breadth. The percentage of decrease in area is:
In a college election a candidate who got 40% of the total votes polled was defeated by 126 votes. Assuming that there were only two candidates in the e...
If 20% of a = b, then b% of 20 is the same as:
Monthly income of P is Rs.14000 and his monthly savings is Rs.8500. If his monthly income is decreased by 30% and monthly expenditure is decreased by 25...
The total population of villages A and B together is 75000. ‘y’% and (y+15)% of the population of village A and B are working professionals. The rat...