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Chakravarti Rajagopalachari also known as Rajaji epitomized the practical wisdom, religious tolerance, and statesmanship that Gandhi brought to the nationalist movement. He articulated how Gandhi’s ideas and practices could be reconciled with the needs and aspirations of a modern nation-state.
Select the option that is related to third letter cluster in the same way second letter cluster is related to first letter cluster.
If 51 @ 24 = 9' and 56 @ 22 = 8', then 72 @ 32 = ?'. What will come in place of question mark?
In the following question, select the number which can be placed at the sign of question mark (?) from the given alternatives.
Which set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps of the given letter series shall complete it?
C L _ I M C _ A I M C L _ _ M CL _ I M
From which of the following words we get a new meaningful word if we add the prefix ‘Un’?
Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the given set. (NOTE : Operations should be performed on the whole...
Which letter cluster will replace the question mark (?) to complete the given series?
abCD, fgHI, ?, stUV, abCD
63 : 45 : : 85 : ?
Window : Curtain ::?:?
Given set: [99, 200, 301]