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The Pala Dynasty originated in the region of Bengal as an imperial power during the Late Classical period on the Indian subcontinent. The dynasty was named after its ruling dynasty, whose rulers bore names ending with the suffix of Palau, which meant protector. Pala empire was founded by Gopala I, probably in 750 A.D. when he was elected king. He was succeeded by Dharmapala who is considered as the real founder of the Pala Empire and Pala suzerainty. Vikramasila University was founded by Dharmapala, where several Buddhist scholars and monks were invited to study. The empire enjoyed relations with the Srivijaya Empire, the Tibetan Empire, the Sailendra Empire of Java, and the Arab Abbasid Caliphate. The Arab Merchant Sulaiman wrote detailed accounts about the Pala empire, its military, structure, and other features.
The share of net demand and time liabilities that banks must maintain in safe and liquid assets, such as, government securities, cash and gold with...
In which of the following places Indian coins are minted?
IFRS stands for _______
Venture Capital means
In which year the first Bank of India was established?
Which of the following rates signals the RBI’s long-term outlook on interest rates?
Lack of access to financial services is technically known as:
New Bank of India was merged into PNB on
Which of the following can be a Pre-Paid Instrument (PPI)?
i. Smart Card
ii. Mobile Wallet
iii.Internet accounts
What are Basel III accords?
I. Enhanced minimum capital & liquidity
II. Enhance risk discloser & market discipline
III. Repu...