
    Which of the following is not correct with reference to

    administration under Shivaji?
    A Administration under Shivaji was largely in line with administrative practices of the Deccani states. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B He appointed council of ministers to advice him on matters of state. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C He abolished the zamindari (deshmukhi) system. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Salaries to the regular soldiers were paid both in cash and revenue grants. Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    • Shivaji had laid the foundations of a sound system of administration. Shivaji’s system of administration  was largely borrowed from the administrative practices of the Deccani states.  A new revenue assessment was completed by Annaji Datto in 1679. It is not correct to think that Shivaji abolished the zamindari (deshmukhi) system, or that he did not award jagirs (mokasa) to his officials. However, Shivaji strictly supervised the mirasdars, that is, those with hereditary rights in land. 

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