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Ajatashatru was a king of the Haryanka dynasty of Magadha. He was the son of King Bimbisara and a contemporary of both Mahavira and Gautama Buddha. Ajatashatru is known for his policies of conquest and expansion.
In the question below some statements are given followed by three conclusions I, II, and III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if ...
Only Sun are Moon.
Only few Sun are Star.
All Star are Gas.
I. Some Gas are Moon.
...Statements: All bulls are cows.
No cow is ox.
Some dogs are lions.
All lions are tigers.
All lions are leopards.
No leopard is a monkey.
Some year are day.
Each year is month.
Only day are week.
I. Some month are week.
II. Some month are year.
III. No year is week
Only a few A are C
All A are B
I. Some C are not B...
Only a few A is B
No B is C
Only a few C is D
Some D is E
I). No A is C
...Statements: All consonants are letters.
All letters are noun.
No noun is pronoun.
Conclusions:I. All nouns are letters.
II. ...
Statements:Some villages are towns.
Some towns are huts.
All huts are rivers.
Some rivers are tents.
Conclusions:I. Some te...
Statements :
Some files are folders.
Some folders are envelopes.
Some envelopes are letters.
I. Some...