Vaishali, an ancient city in present-day Bihar, India, served as the capital of the Vajji Mahajanapada. It was a significant and powerful republic during the Buddha's time, renowned for its political and religious prominence. The city practiced a republican "Gana" government and was a hub of early Buddhism. The Buddha visited Vaishali frequently, and key events like the Amrapali incident occurred there.
Which one of the following is not correctly matched:
Which is correct statement with respect to Liquidation Estate?
A surety is entitled to be indemnified by the principal debtor__________
The maximum period for which a magistrate may send the arrested person in police custody is :
What is the enactment date of Contract Act, 1872?
Which convention provides protection to prisoners of war under International Humanitarian Law?
Where shall the State Government establish a police control room?
Which of the following legal systems is based on judicial precedent?
The Competition Commission shall consist of a Chairperson and not less than ____________and not more than __________ other Members to be appointed by th...
A person shall be qualified to be appointed as the President of the National Company Law Tribunal if________________