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The Battle of Chamkaur was fought on 6 December 1704. This historic battle involved a fierce conflict between the Khalsa, led by Guru Gobind Singh, and the Mughal forces, marking a pivotal moment in Sikh history.
Which type of milk is rich in antibodies that confer passive immunity to the newborn?
Which of the following is not the mandate crop of ICRISAT
The source of Xa-21 gene in rice is:
Parbhani Kranti is a variety of:
At what Brix reading on a refractometer is sugarcane considered mature?
Diammonium phosphate contains-
What is the distinctive trait of the Assel poultry breed ?
Which of the following weed is total root parasite?
Which reptile is characterized by the presence of four-chambered heart?
Cotton and pigeon pea are: