Madurai, renowned for its rich cultural and architectural heritage, served as the capital of the Pandya Kingdom, one of the prominent ancient Tamil kingdoms in South India.
Among Bhanu, Mitu, Toto, Kalu and Salu, each one of them earn different salaries, Mitu earns more than only toto. Bhanu earns more than Mitu and Salu bu...
In a class Pratik ranks 22nd from top and 27th from bottom, how many students are there in that class?
How many persons are there between W and Q?
How many persons are lighter than V?
Which among the following pillar is the third highest pillar?
What is the probable age of F?
There are 20 students in the class. Tarun ranks eighth in the class among the boys and Tanvi ranks fifth among the girls in the class. Tarun is just abo...
Q is older than R. N and O are of equal age. S is the youngest. P is younger than O. P is older than Q. How many persons are younger than P?
Six people N, O, P, Q, R, S have different weight. N is heavier than two people. O is lighter than N. R is heavier than N. P is lighter than R but heav...
How many boxes are heavier than box P?