The Battle of Ten Kings, also known as the Dasharajnya War, occurred along the River Parushni (modern-day Ravi). This battle saw the Bharata clan, under King Sudas, triumph over a confederation of ten tribes, marking a significant event in ancient Indian history.
The position of how many alphabets will remain unchanged if each of the alphabets in the word ‘BLOCKBUSTER’ is arranged in alphabetical order from...
किस संख्या का 18%संख्या 75 के 12%के बराबर है ?
यदि x, y का 80%हो , तो x का कितना प्रतिषत y है ?
In a knockout football competition 23 teams participated. What was the least number of matches they needed to play to decide the winner?
दो संख्याएँ किसी तीसरी संख्या से क्रमषः 20% और 50% अधिक हैं। प...
यदि x का मान yके मान से 25%कम हो तो ल का मान ग के मान से अधिक है -
I: There is increase in fog level due to pollution in Delhi in the last week of November.
II: Most of the flights were cance...
यदि किसी संख्या का 20%, 120 हो तो उसी संख्या का 120%होगा -
What is the code for ‘which be’ in the given code language?
Seven girls K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting in a straight line facing the same direction. Four girls are sitting between Q and P. M is sitting at ext...