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Kitab ul hind or Tehkik e hind was written by Albourni who was the court poet of Mohammad Gajnavi.
The news about the marriage of a celebrity __________ the one about India entering the finals in Asia Cup.
My fear of the disease __________ after knowing the number of deaths it has caused till now.
Even though he knew he was right, he did not have the courage to openly ___________ a majority decision.
All flights were cancelled due to heavy rainfall and the passengers were __________ at the airport.
Steve Jobs is the legendary ___________ of Apple.
Getting fired from my job has added to my ________; but I will not fall down.
This one act of kindness ___________ all the wrong doings that he has ever done.
The small businesses continued to face ________ with decrease in demand during the lockdown.
If news gets out that the company has become _________, they will stop getting further funds.
The opinions of the state and central governments were ____________ on the new policy.