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Rabindranath Tagore was the first Indian to win a Nobel Prize. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913 for his collection of poems, "Gitanjali."
Which British scientist is known for developing the principle of holography in 1947 to improve the resolution of the electron microscope?
What is the name of the campaign started by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and Central TB Division, Ministry of Health on 7th January 2022 fo...
Black Card given to a badminton player during the game indicates:
What disease in cattle is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium bovis?
Gross Saving Rate is expressed as % of ?
Gross Savings Rate is Calculated in terms of __________ .
Which type of mirror is used by dentists to see large images of patients' teeth?
Which of the following space tech startup is the second after Agnikul Cosmos to receive help from ISRO in terms of testing facilities and technical know...
What is India's global rank as a crude oil refiner?
Which of the following districts of Uttarakhand has the highest apple production?