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Marie Curie was the first scientist to receive two Nobel Prizes, one in Physics in 1903 and another in Chemistry in 1911.
Which of the following colour does V like?
How many persons are sitting between U and R (when counted clockwise direction from R)?
If T sits third to the right of K then how many persons are sitting between T and N?
What is the position of V with respect to V’s wife?
Eight people K, M, F, I, L, J, H and G are sitting in a straight row and all are facing north. K sits third from one of the extreme ends of the line. M ...
Which of the following is true?
Five friends, F, B, W, Z and S, are sitting in a row facing north. F is sitting between Z and W. B is second to the left of W. Who is sitting at the rig...
Who among the following sits opposite to H?
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form the group. Which of the following ones does not belong to the group?
i. A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting around a circle and are facing the centre.
ii. G is second to left of C, who is to the immediate left of F....