Pratyaksha Ray was awarded the 32nd Ekalabya Puraskar 2024 for his exceptional achievements in swimming. His performance at the Khelo India University Games, where he won multiple medals, underscores his athletic excellence and potential to further his success in the field of sports.
from which Indian State Dance form “Sattriya” is originated?
Consider the following statements regarding Kisan credit cards (KCC):
I. It was introduced for providing adequate and timely credit support to th...
______is the ability of a single cell to produce a fertile, adult individual.
What is the primary goal of establishing new testing laboratories for cotton and textiles in India?
What is the objective of 'Harit Sagar' guidelines launched by Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways?
4 bits is equal to
Skyhawk was recently in news. What it is?
Recognition of Prior Learning is associated with which of the following Scheme?
Which of the following e-commerce majors has signed an agreement with NIESBUD (National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development) f...
Who was named the Player of the Year for 2023 in the men’s category at the sixth annual Hockey India Awards?