"Haqeeqat," directed by Chetan Anand in 1964, is set during the India-China War of 1962. This film is notable for its portrayal of the war's events and its impact on the soldiers and their families.
According to the Union Budget 2023-24, consider the following statements.Â
1. Capital investment outlay is being increased steeply for the third...
What is the significance of the T+2 settlement cycle in the Indian capital market?
ABC Bank Ltd has extended a Rs.10 crore loan at 5% over the repo rate. The loan is to be repaid in equal quarterly instalments. The bank’s funding of ...
Under the MSME Sustainable (ZED) Certification Scheme, what is the focus of the "Silver Level"? Â
Which of the following is correct about Commercial Papers (CP)?
Visvesvaraya PhD scheme has been initiated by the Government with an objective of enhancing the number of PhDs in the country to compete globally in th...
Which of the following is an intangible asset?
Which of the types of bonds are in the nature of zero-coupon bonds?
A.    Sovereign Gold Bonds
B.    Oil Bonds
C.  Â...
CAAT stands for _________
What is the purpose of ethical standards?