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The National Dairy Development Board Anand signs a pact withUttar Pradesh state government to manage the Varanasi Milk Union for a period of 5 years. It would be India's first milk union to have a biogas based trigeneration plant installed.
In how many days can 16 men and 8 women together complete a piece of work?
I. 8 men complete the piece of work in 10 days.
II. 16 women co...
What is the area of a square?
I. The measure of diagonal of the square is given.
II. The measure of one side of the square is given.
<...What is the age of a class teacher?
I. There are 13 students in the class.
II. The average age of students and the teacher is 16 years.
What is the yearly salary of Mr. Rohan?
I. Sohan earns Rs. 44000 more than Mohan in a year who earns Rs. 16000 more than Rohan per annum.
What is the yearly salary of Mr. Rohan?
I. Sohan earns Rs. 44000 more than Mohan in a year who earns Rs. 16000 more than Rohan per annum.
What is the speed of a boat in still water?
I. The boat covers a distance of 120km in 5 hours while running upstream.
II. It covers the sa...
Find the Income of Suleiman?
Statement I: Suleiman's income exceeds Salman's by Rs. 8000, and Salman's savings amount to Rs. 15,000.
What is the area of circle?
I. The radius of the circle is one third the length of a rectangle and the breadth of the rectangle is one third the ...
What are the marks obtained by Sushil in Accounts? Statement I: Marks obtained in English is as much more than that in Economics as the marks obtained ...
What is the area of the circular field?
Statement I: The area of the largest square that can be inscribed in the given circular field is 6400 sq...