Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik launched ‘Rakshak’ road safety initiative, under which 30,000 first responders will be trained by 300 master trainers across all 30 districts. The ‘Rakshak’ initiative was organised by the Commerce and Transport Department in collaboration with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Indian Red Cross Society, Odisha State branch.
412, 537, 573, 916, 980, ?
1001, 728, 513, 342, 217, ?
5 10 40 80 320 640
4 a b c d e
Find the value of d.
...31 35 60 124 ? 441
...8 24 48 144 ? 864
...21, 22, 48, 153, 628, ?
11, 9, 15, 41 ,157, 789
There are two series I and II. Logic in both the series are different.
Series l: 3, 12, 28, 53, 89, .
Series II: 259, 270, 283, 300, 319.<...
18 19 28 53 102 ?
6 2 8 ? 84 416