The Border Security Force (BSF) celebrated its 57th Raising Day on 1 December 2021. BSF is India's first line of defence. It was raised in accordance with an Act of the Parliament on 1st December, 1965, soon after the India-Pakistan War of 1965.
The Ghoomar dance is a traditional folk dance of which Indian state?
Who was elected as the President of Sri Lanka in the 2024 Presidential election?
Which missile marks India's initial foray into indigenous missile development?
__________ will invest up to Rs 60,000 crore to set up an advance semi-conductor manufacturing ecosystem in India over the next three years.
Expand the abbreviation 'ICMR.'
What is the capital city of Uruguay?
Euro is not the currency of which of the following country?
The Kodaikanal Princess of hill station is in the state of ________
When do we celebrate World Wind day globally?
What is the primary focus of the Atal Pension Yojana (APY)?