In an attempt to realise the vision for farmer welfare and empowerment, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurates the Saryu Nahar National Project in Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh. The Saryu Canal National Project which will provide assured water for irrigation to over 14 lakh hectares of land and benefit about 29 lakh farmers, mainly in eastern Uttar Pradesh. The project has been completed at a cost of over ₹9,800 crore.
Nobody get (A)/to the point that (B)/they can't use (C)/more money (D).
Behind the remains of the inside walls are the cloisters and dormitories, where weary monks lie their heads after a hard day at work and prayer.
We could finish the construction early only if we cut corners .
Change the given sentence into indirect form.
“What a nice man Mr Sharma is !” one of the guests at the party said.
In each of the questions, a sentence has been divided into four parts, one of which may contain an error. Identify that fragment and mark it as your an...
The decision to cut the prices were taken after a fortnightly review meeting of the oil companies.
Identify the segment in the sentence, which contains the grammatical error.
Each student will have to carry his own lunch on the picnic.
Nicotine addiction are a brain “wanting” disease that can be fully arrested but not cured.
Mischief are sure to (1)/crop up, in one form (2)/or another, among (3)/the idle and ambitionless (4).
In terms of technology and performance, Indian missile systems are compared with any other system in the worlds.