NITI Aayog launched the e-Sawaari India Electric Bus Coalition, in partnership with Convergence Energy Service Limited (CESL) and World Resources Institute, India (WRI India), and supported by Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI). Through the e-Sawaari India Electric Bus Coalition, the central, state, and city-level government agencies, transit service providers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), financing institutions, and ancillary service providers will be able to share knowledge and their learnings on e-bus adoption in India.
Mark the correct statement with regard to spices and essential oils:
a. Cinnamon is the bark of a tree
b. Cardamom is a d...
Fermentation of glycerol in wine results in_____
Match the following mineral metabolism & their Disorders A to D
1. Phosphorus metabolism A. Osteomalacia & Rickets
Meat is a product
Rice or bread taste sweet on prolonged chewing because of the breakdown of starch in them. The enzyme in the saliva which takes part in this reaction is
_____________is a method of drying in which the moisture in the food is frozen.
Which of the following is untrue?
Which of the following is / are the reason/s for the preservation of the food commodity?
a. Availability of the food in off season ...
The microbes, which can grow at high concentration of sugar, called
__________refers to complete destruction of microorganism.