Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik inaugurated T-Setu, the state’s longest bridge over Mahanadi River in Cuttack district. The 3.4 km long bridge, connecting Gopinathpur in Badamba, Baideswar in Banki to Singhanath Pitha located in the middle of the river, has been built in the shape of English alphabet ‘T’ at a cost of Rs 111 crore. The 7.5 metre wide bridge will facilitate communication for around five lakh people of the nearby localities besides improving agriculture, business and tourism activities in and around the area. It will also benefit devotees visiting Baba Singhanath’s Bali Makar Jatra in Badamba block.
Read the directions carefully and answer the following questions.
Seven person A, B, C, D, E, F, and G live in a three floored building. Two p...
Which of the following Laptop is kept just below the brand which has 18 months warranty period? Also, what is the warranty period for that brand?
...Which box is placed at bottom of the stack?
Who lives on floor numbered 5?
Which function is held in the same day as Mehendi Ceremony?
Which one of the following combinations of ' floor number - person - family members ' is the correct one?
__ and __ live on same floor.
P is going to office on which of the following day?
Who lives two floor below the floor on which S lives in the same flat number?
How many persons are junior to F?