Karnataka Bank has been conferred with two DigiDhan awards instituted by Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Govt. of India, for achieving the target with highest percentage in BHIM – UPI transactions under the Private Sector Bank Category consecutively for two years i.e FY 2019-20 & FY 2020-21.
Who founded the Slave Dynasty in Delhi Sultanate?
Which Uttar Pradesh city is famous for its carpet industry?
Who had replaced Ravinder Takkar as a new CEO of Vodafone Idea?
Where is the headquarters of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited located?
Agricultural labour productivity is maximum in?
Which region in India hosts the highest concentration of iron and steel industries?
Which city in Uttar Pradesh is known for its brassware industry?
Which type of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) does the RBI not regulate?
Who is the author of the book ‘A Nation to Protect’?
What did the film "Brahmastra-Part 1: Shiva" win at the 70th National Film Awards?