Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik launched an online service for verification of identity and submission of life certificates for the pensioners of the state government. In this new system, identification and life certificates can now be submitted by the pensioners using an artificial intelligence based video-verification process.
Fill in the blank given below using the correct idiom.
Despite her efforts to mend their friendship, it seemed like Sarah was ______________...
If sunlight will not come for days together, it will cause lot of health problems.
Choose the correct alternative out of the four choices given below each sentence.
It was the first time he had eaten a square meal _____ he had l...
Fill in the blanks with the most apt conjugation from among the options given.
"The projections assume a future populace who__________t...
What's more, the dominant demoiselle seemed to ________________ her power, chasing her underlings and pinning them into corners of the aquarium.
...What the philosophers in question owe us is a ______________ explanation of how there can be a class of entities which do not behave like particulars.
She knows everything there is to _________ about me, which makes her own secretiveness __________ frustrating.
Kung felt that Konner's presence permitted this _____________ of the ethical rules.
The boys had just ________ their first bite, when they ____________ a sobbing sound ________ from the other side of some bushes. Dan ran _____ the sound...
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
The increasing concerns about climate change point to the need for enhanced efforts t...